EMS support PrepWorld with M&S Plan A Sustainability Scorecard Gap Analysis

Leading the way towards a sustainable future, major British multinational retailer Marks and Spencer (M&S) have set a target for their supply chain. By 2020 they want 100% of their product volume to come from sites with at least a Silver level on their Sustainability Scorecard. This will form a major part of their ‘Plan A 2025 Commitments’.
EMS provided a gap analysis against the silver level environment criteria for prepared fruit supplier, PrepWorld. PrepWorld now have better clarity of the adjustments that need to be implemented for them to achieve the Plan A Silver level for the environmental section.
The Client
PrepWorld is a specialist prepared fruit supplier who supply fresh, tasty and innovative prepared fruit packs. They form part of the BerryWorld Group, supplying products to many of the major UK and Spanish supermarkets.

Client Benefits
The Plan A Gap Analysis Audit assessed PrepWorld against each element of the Environment criteria of M&S’ Plan A Sustainability Scorecard.
This process has benefited PrepWorld; providing them with an action plan generated from areas for improvement identified during the audit. Ultimately, this gives a better insight into what they need to do in order to achieve a silver rating – keeping them ahead of the game and consequently allowing them to continue supplying products to one of their biggest customers.
The Challenges
M&S are one of PrepWorld’s main customers. Therefore, it is important for the company to achieve a Silver rating on the Plan A Sustainability Scorecard before 2020 to continue supplying their products.
With a Bronze rating on the Plan A Sustainability Scorecard, PrepWorld already had many of the required environmental management procedures in place. They faced the challenge of further improving their environmental practices to meet the Silver criteria. As a relatively new business, and without specific in-house environmental expertise, this was a daunting task to undertake.
The Solution
PrepWorld were provided with a flexible service that worked around their needs and requirements.
The M&S Plan A Sustainability Gap Analysis was offered to identify any areas within the business that required action to help them to achieve a Silver rating on the M&S scorecard. EMS have worked with PrepWorld to identify the improvements needed for Plan A compliance and will also work with them to help them get there.
Thank you very much for all your assistance and advice and work over the past two days. It has been very productive for our site and laid the foundations for us starting to understand where we need to be and what we need to do, which until your visit was a field of cloudy mist. We look forward to your final report, we then look to see how best EMS can assist with us achieving our targets for Environmental responsibilities.
— Kevin Grayston - Health, Safety and Environment Manager