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Increased visibility and improved confidence in your environmental monitoring data

eDAS 4.0

Key Benefits

  • Save time and money through centralising your environmental performance data
  • Observe your environmental outputs on a dashboard w­­hich is accessible any time, any place
  • Easily pinpoint specific date ranges and extract the data directly to excel
  • Set user-defined alarms to alert you to potential problems before you breach your permit
  • Gain a clearer picture of your on-site oper­­ations
Have a question?

Contact our expert Terry Brighton for more information.

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Increased visibility of your environmental performance to help identify where efficiencies can be made.

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Introduction of two-way communication enables off-site calibration, saving you time and money.

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Adaptable to your needs and requirements – integrate legacy or EMS-supplied equipment, or both.

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Reliable, real-time data ready to present to regulatory bodies.

What is eDAS 4.0?

eDAS 4.0 is an environmental data acquisition system that allows for both on site and remote visualisation of your environmental performance data. At a time when it has never been more critical to comply to environmental regulations, eDAS 4.0 will reliably support you with your environmental compliance through collating, centralising, and presenting monitoring data on an easy to access dashboard.

This data can be exported to excel at the touch of a button and you can specify date and time ranges that are of specific interest.

Why eDAS 4.0?

In line with Industry 4.0 – eDAS 4.0 is about making systems smart. The software provides quick access to information, better data exchange and enables two-way communication.

Two-way Communication

The addition of two-way communication reduces the need for on-site intervention for basic amendments. You will be able to do things such as set alarm levels, calibration values, or limit thresholds; these user-defined values allow for a more hands-on approach to environmental management.


The new software offers increased reliability and security of your data. Improved visuals make the data easier to interpret and analyse.

eDAS dashboard

Related Case Study

Successful eDAS® installation for major food manufacturer

Successful eDAS® installation for major food manufacturer

Want to know more?

To discuss the eDAS 4.0 , how eDAS 4.0 can be tailored to suit your specific requirements and our other Products, please contact Terry Brighton our Commercial Manager.

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