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Fortnightly Bulletin

Fortnightly Bulletin - 17th April 2023

Fortnightly Bulletin - 17th April 2023

Environment Minister, Therese Coffey, has informed BBC News that a ban on wet wipes containing plastic in England should come into force in 2024.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 3rd April 2023

Fortnightly Bulletin - 3rd April 2023

England is not ready for the unavoidable impacts of global warming, the government's advisers on climate change say in a new report.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 20th March 2023

Fortnightly Bulletin - 20th March 2023

The Government is investing £5.2 billion over six years on flood and coastal erosion schemes to better protect communities across England.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 6th March 2023

Fortnightly Bulletin - 6th March 2023

The UK is set to announce where a ground-breaking power station will be built, and the plant will be designed to capture the CO2 it produces to prevent it from entering the atmosphere.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 20th February 2023

Fortnightly Bulletin - 20th February 2023

Last week marked a long-awaited victory for Mr Jackson, other tribes and environmental groups who petitioned the USDA to reinstate the protections for the Tongass National Forest.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 6th February 2023

Fortnightly Bulletin - 6th February 2023

A new analysis from the consultancy, Stonehaven, on behalf of energy storage developer Highview Power, claims that the UK wasted enough energy generated from wind to provide energy for 1.2 million homes in the UK between October 2022 and January 2023.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 23rd January 2023

Fortnightly Bulletin - 23rd January 2023

British industrial sectors including construction, mining and quarrying, will be supported in their plans to develop greener technologies and low carbon fuels, as the government backs industry with a £32.5 million funding package.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 9th January 2023

Fortnightly Bulletin - 9th January 2023

The polar regions and Europe were hit hardest by global warming in 2022, according to a new analysis.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 19th December 2022

Fortnightly Bulletin - 19th December 2022

According to the latest government figures, livestock farms in England polluted rivers 300 times last year, causing 20 major incidents. However, only six farms were prosecuted in 2021, with the EA giving out warning letters instead.

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