EMS Announce Exciting New Partnership with Dust Monitoring Specialists Sintrol
7 January 2020

EMS is delighted to announce an exciting new partnership with one of the world’s largest dust monitor manufacturers, Sintrol.

Sintrol produce a range of dust measurement solutions to help customers improve processes and monitor particulate emissions. The range of monitoring equipment is based on a unique Inductive Electrification technique which offers superior accuracy and confidence in monitoring data.
Sintrol are based in Helsinki and EMS will form part of their worldwide distribution network who work together to help to solve a range of dust measurement challenges across the globe.
EMS is proud to be distributing Sintrol’s range of high-quality monitoring products to customers in the UK and Ireland. This new product range includes:
- Filter
leak detection equipment; - Compliance based continuous
emissions monitoring systems; - Ambient
monitors for exposure monitoring; - Thermal
imaging systems.
“It’s essential that we are able to support our clients with the best available technology and application specific expertise. The team at Sintrol have a range of products which we can confidently specify to help meet our client’s compliance and data monitoring needs. We are really pleased to have become part of the global Sintrol family”
Dr Kieran Williams, EMS Business Development Director
“Sintrol is very excited to be working with EMS. The dynamic team has a strong understanding of dust monitoring requirements and will be able to offer professional and friendly support to our UK customers. Dust is an unavoidable nuisance and the EMS team has the expertise to help customers deal with the challenges that this brings.”
John Korpi, Sintrol Sales Director (International).
For more information on the Sintrol range, please contact our sales team on 0114 272 2270 or at info@em-solutions.co.uk