This blog is the first in a short series about microplastics. We look at what exactly microplastics are and how they impact the environment. We also discuss what we can do in everyday life to minimise microplastics getting into the environment.
World Environment Day 2021
This World Environment Day marks the beginning of the 'UN decade on ecosystem restoration'. The theme for this year is Reimagine. Recreate. Restore.
Fortnightly Bulletin 24th May
Our latest fortnightly environmental bulletin has news, interesting webinars and updates to legislation from the environmental sector.
Noise Action Week 2021
Noise Action Week takes place on the 24th-29th May. In this blog we discuss the importance of monitoring noise and the difference between environmental and workplace noise assessments.
Fortnightly Bulletin 10th May
Our Fortnightly Environmental Bulletin provides you with the latest news and updates from the environmental sector.
Fortnightly Bulletin - 26th April
Our fortnightly bulletin provides you with news articles, legal updates, key dates and webinars from the environmental sector.
Fortnightly Bulletin - 12th April 2021
Our free environmental bulletin helps you to stay up-to-date with news and legal updates from the environmental sector.
The Solar Impulse Foundation has reached 1000 Solutions, and CENTAUR® made the list!
The Solar Impulse Foundation has now achieved 1000 labelled solutions and we are delighted to announce that our very own CENTAUR® received one.
Fortnightly Bulletin - 29th March 2021
Our free environmental bulletin helps you to stay up-to-date with news and legal updates from the environmental sector.
Bulletin Subscription
Subscribe to our FREE fortnightly Environmental Bulletin for news and updates on the environmental industry.