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What you should know about PFAS

What you should know about PFAS

PFAS are found in products such as non-stick frying pans, cosmetics, creams, textiles and food packaging. They have entered our waterbodies, drinking water, and as such they are unavoidable.

World Water Monitoring Day: a non-negotiable for the UK’s unique natural environment

World Water Monitoring Day: a non-negotiable for the UK’s unique natural environment

World Water Monitoring Day is on 18 September and was established to raise awareness of the importance to regularly check local water sources.

During times of drought our groundwater is more important than ever

During times of drought our groundwater is more important than ever

Groundwater is under threat from increasing water needs, pollution, and climate change.

Would my Business Benefit from Water Footprinting?

Would my Business Benefit from Water Footprinting?

In last week’s blog we looked at what a water footprint entails, how a water footprint assessment is carried out and the types of water footprint that exist. In this blog we are discussing why water footprinting is becoming more important and what the benefits are to business.

What is Water Footprinting?

What is Water Footprinting?

Water footprinting will provide businesses with an indication of how much water they are using along with the potential environmental impacts.

"Unblocktober" - how can we protect our water systems?

This month is Unblocktober, a month-long national campaign to prevent sewer blockages and protect our ocean. For decades our population has spilled harmful products down our drains which can lead to blockages, fatbergs and pollution in our oceans. 

World Rivers Day

World Rivers Day

World Rivers Day is on the fourth Sunday of every September, to draw attention to the benefits of protecting and maintaining our rivers, and to encourage action against the threats they are facing.

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) FAQ

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) FAQ

What do you know about BOD and BOD Monitoring? BOD stands for “Biological Oxygen Demand” and is a measure of the amount of oxygen required to breakdown organic matter from water in the process of decomposition by aerobic bacteria.

How is MANTIS™ making an impact to hand-operated groundwater pumps?

How is MANTIS™ making an impact to hand-operated groundwater pumps?

Throughout developing nations, hand-operated pumps are commonly used to lift groundwater from wells. Surveys show that many pumps have stopped functioning properly. This represents billions lost in investments; fitting the pump is only the first step in establishing clean water access.

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