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Westminster implements Schedule 3 to mandate Sustainable Drainage on new developments

Westminster implements Schedule 3 to mandate Sustainable Drainage on new developments

The government will implement Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, mandating sustainable urban drainage in new developments.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 9th January 2023

Fortnightly Bulletin - 9th January 2023

The polar regions and Europe were hit hardest by global warming in 2022, according to a new analysis.

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We’re working with Severn Trent to improve the health of rivers

We're excited to be involved with Severn Trent’s ‘Get River Positive scheme’, which aims to improve the health of its region's rivers and move towards creating bathing-quality stretches of river.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 19th December 2022

Fortnightly Bulletin - 19th December 2022

According to the latest government figures, livestock farms in England polluted rivers 300 times last year, causing 20 major incidents. However, only six farms were prosecuted in 2021, with the EA giving out warning letters instead.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 5th December 2022

Fortnightly Bulletin - 5th December 2022

Data reported through CDP in 2022 reveals that around 31% of companies have made a public commitment or endorsed biodiversity-related initiatives, with another 25% planning to do so within the next two years.

Our roads are polluting our rivers – here’s how

Our roads are polluting our rivers – here’s how

Air pollution caused by our busy roads has been at the forefront of our concerns for many years, but water pollution caused by road runoff is seriously damaging our water supply.

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EMS and the University of Sheffield are working to future-proof our rail infrastructure against the effects of climate change

Fortnightly Bulletin - 21st November 2022

Fortnightly Bulletin - 21st November 2022

Bankers for Net Zero, the UK chapter of UN Net-Zero Banking Alliance, warns that SMEs risk losing large corporate customers unless they can report on their net-zero emissions.

EMS is pleased to welcome our new Director of Smart Wastewater – James Hale

EMS is pleased to welcome our new Director of Smart Wastewater – James Hale

James’s experience in institutional, policy, and technology aspects of urban drainage planning stand him in good stead for taking EMS’s Smart Wastewater division in the right direction.

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