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Environment Agency

Fortnightly Bulletin - 21st August 2023

Fortnightly Bulletin - 21st August 2023

The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has insisted that a ‘lack of urgency’ from government is holding the UK back from being able to meet its climate commitments.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 26th June 2023

Fortnightly Bulletin - 26th June 2023

Some of the most intense marine heat increases on earth have developed in seas around the UK and Ireland, the European Space Agency (ESA) says.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 7th November 2022

Fortnightly Bulletin - 7th November 2022

Glaciers across the globe - including the last ones in Africa - will be unavoidably lost by 2050 due to climate change, the UN says in a report.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 12th September 2022

Fortnightly Bulletin - 12th September 2022

The Woodland Carbon Guarantee is a £50 million scheme that aims to help accelerate woodland planting rates.

During times of drought our groundwater is more important than ever

During times of drought our groundwater is more important than ever

Groundwater is under threat from increasing water needs, pollution, and climate change.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 26th April

Fortnightly Bulletin - 26th April

Our fortnightly bulletin provides you with news articles, legal updates, key dates and webinars from the environmental sector.

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