There are 14% more tree species than previously thought, according to what researchers are calling the first "scientifically credible" estimate.
Fortnightly Bulletin 5th July 2021
Our latest fortnightly environmental bulletin has news, interesting webinars and updates to legislation from the environmental sector.
Fortnightly Bulletin - 15th March 2021
Our free environmental bulletin helps you to stay up-to-date with news and legal updates from the environmental sector.
Fortnightly Bulletin – 1st March 2021
Our first March update is here. Our free environmental bulletin is packed with legal updates, interesting news articles and online events - helping you to remain environmentally compliant.
Why is Contingency Planning so Important?
This week’s blog is going to take a look at why it is important to have effective contingency plans when the unexpected happens.
The Cost of Discharging Silty Water to the Environment
Following a recent prosecution by the Environment Agency, now is a good time to draw attention to the risk of discharging silty water to controlled waters.
How long can it take to get my Environmental Permit?
This blog will discuss how long after you put your application in for your Environmental Permit might you receive a decision.
What information do I need to apply for an Environmental Permit?
In this blog, we’re going to look at what information you need to get your Environmental Permit.
Top Five things to Consider when you have an Environmental Permit
This blog discusses the most important things to consider when you have an environmental permit.
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