Water Quality Monitoring

EMS provide surveys and medium term deployments, for example for bathing water or CSO discharge monitoring.
Contact our expert David Claridge for more information.
Water Quality Parameters
EMS provides multi-parameter instrumentation that can be deployed to collect continuous data on a combination of either temperature, pressure, pH, turbidity, conductivity, DO (dissolved oxygen), ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential), ammonium, chloride, or nitrates.
Other parameters, for example BOD, COD, suspended solids, or very specific chemical parameters, can be determined by sampling using automatic samplers and subsequent lab analysis. This can all be built into the survey.
Catchment Based Monitoring
For surveys or medium term deployments, for example for the Water Framework Directive, EMS specify, install and manage systems to collect continuous data. Continuously monitored water quality parameters, as well as flow or rain gauge data, can be pushed to an FTP server using GPRS technlogies. This allows clients using EMS’s portal facility to view data and track trends.
Water quality or flow data can also be used to trigger automatic sampling, or event logging.
eDAS® is a environmental data acquisition system which collates, centralises and displays your on-site environmental monitoring data. eDAS® can be implemented and accessed in many ways with optional features and a Support Package to suit your specific monitoring requirements.
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